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Bread & Butter - Psycho World LP                                      [email protected]

Released September 25, 2020

Artist Information

Upcoming Shows 

September 3 // Seattle, WA // Neptune w/Shannon and the Clams

July 31 // Seattle, WA // Drunky's w/Acapulco Lips


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Label: Killroom Records

Genre: power pop

Hometown: Seattle, WA

Influences: The Equals, The Kinks, Cheap Trick

Sounds like: Tom Petty, The Cars, The Heats


Bread & Butter cranked out their self-titled debut in a different world: 2016. It was packed it with effortless, dumb fun rock. The new album was released in early 2020 with the uncanny title, Psycho World.

The four friends who form Bread & Butter could never make a dark album. But they did make a weird one. Burning rooms and crashing planes share the pink grooves of the vinyl LP with parties and bananas. 

Before the live music scene was crushed by Covid-19, Bread & Butter played festivals like the much-missed Sasquatch, and serviced the sweaty, rock-loving people on the west coast of North America.

The songs on the new album build on the power pop model from the debut but with grittier grooves. The hooks are there and singer Shane Herrell’s voice still sounds like a four beer buzz. But maybe this time around there’s a something weird in the beer?


As the world re-emerges from quarantine, the edgy fun of Psycho World is the perfect soundtrack to the strange parties that will brighten up our nights as we reconnect with our friends.

Photo: Carlos Cruz


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